Sunday, July 02, 2006

Nach-o Nach-o Man, I want to be a Nacho Man.

Hay and I were hot and bored so we went to the movies. We didn't much care what we saw, were shooting for Superman, but it wasn't in the cards so I asked Hay to pick from Devil Wears Prada, Click, and Nacho Libre. Being the Jack Black fan that he is (and moreso the non-Adam Sandler fan and not so into chick flick fan), Hay chose Nacho Libre. Let me just tell you that I laughed so hard I could have peed a little if I'd had to go. Double thumbs up if you like Jack Black humor and enjoyed Napoleon Dynamite. A+ for humor, B- for plot.

Nacho, courtesy of Paramount Pictures


Maman said...

HA! I saw the Devil Wears Prada, which I have to admit was a book I found UNREADABLE.... and I will read almost anything... but it is a MUCh better movie.

When push comes to shove, when you have a bad anti-hero you need a star that clever and likeable to play that part.

Meryl Streep is a genius!

Hope you liked your movie but I loved mine.

Now, I will be first in line when i comes to Running With Scissors..

Renee said...

Jack black kills me! I'll out this on the "see" list!:-)

P'nut said...

Hm. You're the 2nd person to tell me Nacho Libre was funny. I don't know what to do. I like Jack Black, enjoyed School of Rock & Shallow Hal, but not much else. I'm verrrrry picky when it comes to comedies (at least when it means spending $10-$13 in a theater) so I'll wait & see what a few more people say. I'm also interested in seeing The Devil Wears Prada. I know nothing of the book, but the first preview I saw for it caught my attention as possibly being a very smart/witty film.