Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If I were in a bad mood this would really piss me off...

You Are 64% Gross

You're pretty dirty, and there's a good chance you're living in a total dump.
And your body? Not too clean either. Watch out for killer bacteria, Pig Pen!

But, since I'm in a good mood, this made me burst out laughing. I love the name calling at the very end, and the image of the lady stuffing her face with one of my favorite non-cheese snacks: Frawnch Freedom(!*) Fries. :) Thanks to P'nut who is somehow a very clean person. I just don't get it...

*In computer programming, ! = Not. Example: “!=” means “not equal to”. I know, I really try to teach ya stuff here.


P'nut said...

What's up with everyone thinking I should have scored grosser than I did?!

Helen said...

You SO funny!

Avitable said...

***You Are 20% Gross***

You're not gross, but you tend to think everyone else is. And you're right... they are!
Some people may think you're a neat freak, but at least you'll never die of flesh eating bacteria.

How Gross Are You?

don't call me MA'AM said...

Mine was only 16% Gross, but it said the same as avitable's.

And I'm a little nauseous now from reading some of those questions. Ewww.