Thursday, June 21, 2007

Today's crush was generously sponsored by the police department:

(Invaded personal space plus lingering handshake plus ear-to-ear grin) = Happy Poppy


Dan said...

I don't trust cops. They cheat on their wives and abuse their badge. But I'm glad you had a moment.

Poppy said...

This particular "cop" is apparently not typical. Since I can't say anything more about him I will leave it at that.

That was quite the generalization. You can change a few of the words in your comment and apply the concept to pretty much any group of people. Think about priests. Or crossing guards. Or teachers. Or musicians. Or political figures. Or just regular people.

We all abuse power and privilege from time to time and since "cheating" is a subjective term we can all be cheating on our spouses depending on how others interpret the term.

I am accepting and "tolerant" of as many groups of people as I can imagine (aside from stupid people [just a joke]) so I have a hard time letting that comment stay here and spread a stereotype.

I'm going to leave it but I don't agree with it.

sourpuss said...

I agree with Dan because I've known enough of them to know the "stereotype" is true. At least for my neck of the woods. Cops in other places may be different, but I doubt it.

We all know I am not a tolerant person but I really don't have a firm opinion on a lot of subjects. For the most part, I'll listen and, if you're good, you could persuade me, but on this one I'm pretty comfortable sticking to my guns (no pun intended there).

Poppy said...

I will repeat: "You can change a few of the words in your comment and apply the concept to pretty much any group of people. Think about priests. Or crossing guards. Or teachers. Or musicians. Or political figures. Or just regular people."

I just don't understand why the cops are singled out.

Dan said...

Maybe it's a little harsh, Poppy. I've just had some bad personal experiences with overzealous dudes with a badge and I'm a little jaded. But I agree you could apply this to the other groups you mention. Thanks for leaving my post even though you took issue with it.