Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tales of Elyria

    “In 303AD, the Roman Emperor, Diocletian began his anti-Christian campaign. Christians were ordered to participate in the imperial cults. Anyone who refused was killed. Many eastern Christians fled to the Western Empire where Christianity was still tolerated.

    Elyria, a young, Celtic healer from the alpine region near the municipum of Juvavum in the Roman province of Noricum, becomes involved in hiding a group of Alexandrian Christians. When one of the group is found murdered at the entrance to the saltmines, Elyria becomes involved in the search for the killer, the discovery of who exactly she was helping to hide and thwarting the will of a living god. In order to do what she believes is right, she must trust strangers that could ultimately end her life.”

The adventure continues at Storytime.

(Vanessa, thank you for stopping by. I'm now addicted to your novel. :)

1 comment:

Nessa said...

My goodness. Thanks so much - you made my day.
