Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I walk the line

I took that photo for all y'all in our backyard wildflower bulb bed. I actually was thinking, “I hope blogland really enjoys this shot” as I was lining it up.

And, of course, segue to the movie Walk the Line which arrived from Netflix. I'm not sure when exactly we'll be watching it. Hay has been very tired at night so we've been watching regular TV or nothing. I am looking forward to it, although I think Joaquin is a very odd pick to play Johnny.

Oops, one more thing. I sent flowers to my co-worker-in-Iraq-who-is-now-home and his wife. Orchids. I hope they like them. Who doesn't like orchids?


bdogg_mcgee said...

I love orchids--especially dendrobiums!

"Walk the Line" is a really good movie. I enjoyed Joaquin's performance. Plus, he's really easy to look at...

melissa said...

1. I love that photo--such pretty colors!

2. Walk the Line was unexpectedly good for me. We watched it last weekend, and I felt the same way about Joaquin. He did it well, though.

3. I looooove orchids. So, no one doens't like them. 'Cause that's my logic. :)

Helen said...

A beautiful picture Poppy, really! And you're so right about the orchids. Who could NOT like orchids!?!

BarbaraMG said...

Awww Poppy thank you! Beautiful!