Sunday, April 02, 2006

The 3 Musketeers Plus Bun

3 musketeers plus bun

Mary-Kate, Mary-Agnès, Geneviève, and Bunbun in an “all for one” moment. No idea what they were agreeing to do, and this morning Geneviève is lying down. Maybe she didn't fully agree to the plan?


Maman said...

Are Mary-Kate and Mary-Agnes related like the family of Mary Kerns that I grew up with (Ruth, Catherine, Frances, Agnes... for a family of girls forced to go by their middle names the younger girl got screwed with a name like Agnes in the '80s) (begging the Sister Mary-Agnes' pardon)?

bdogg_mcgee said...

Love that!!!

Maybe I should send Mary-Michael up for a conclave? She has been lapsing in the saying of Offices.


Poppy said...

Maman, it's more like the George Foreman kids, although I guess that's the same idea. Not trying to torture them, but they are turning into a nunnery of Mary's. :)

Conclave!!!! That'd be awesome. Although, honestly I think we should wait until my camera (is sent off and) comes back. It's ready to go, except that it's not packed up. Oops.