Thursday, April 20, 2006


I am not finished watching Walk the Line, am up to the part where Johnny/Joaquin falls into the water with his tractor, but I love the music and movie so much that I just bought the soundtrack then stuck a bunch of essential Johnny Cash albums on my wish list. I loved Johnny from afar, owning only one of his newest albums, but now it's time to get close and personal and risk overdosing in the process.

(PS - Idol speak: Ace went home last night. GOOD call, America. Get rid of Kellie next, PLEASE?!)


Sara said...

how is the soundtrack? i saw the movie on the weekend and was thinking about buying the cd.

Poppy said...

I'm listening to it right now! I really enjoy it, but I'll say this: I get much more excited about live performances (either being able to watch them or just hear the performer react to the audience and vice versa). The album is not live at all, so in that respect it's missing an element, but still very good.