Thursday, April 27, 2006

Guilty conscience part 27

Does anyone else feel awkward about suddenly disliking your own music so much that you want to delete it from iTunes* but there's that little voice in your head that says you shouldn't because then you're wasting music and why'd you fork over that $14** if you were just going to leave the CD in a pile collecting dust?

*Replace “iTunes” with your music player of choice.
**A rough/high estimate of the cost of any given CD, not including imports or DVD/CD combos.


Anonymous said...

YES. So I back up my iTunes so I can reload when I get a better, bigger computer.

PS: the last 3 letters in my word verification for this post are "wmd." Bush Administration! I found them, I found them!!! They were hiding in Poppy's comments!!

Jasclo said...

every day.

Jennie said...

haha! yes...and thanks for the may very well be right but i'm glad you agree...!