Monday, April 10, 2006

Off track

Hay's father recommended a movie to us that he thought was really good. It happened to be Derailed starring Jennifer Aniston, among others. I had recently read that Jennifer Aniston was not a fan of Derailed, and I unfortunately saw why last night.

I watched up to the rape scene and then I flipped out so bad that Hay turned off the movie and said he'd watch it another time then changed his mind and said he would return it unwatched. When I flipped out I was yelling, “your dad should have warned us about the rape scene!!!!!” and he didn't mean to, but he laughed at me. If I'm angry about something and you laugh at me then I just go psycho. I just hate it when people don't take me seriously. So, anyway, I'm telling you all now: I don't like watching rape scenes. They make me feel dirty and perverted for watching them and then emotionally scarred afterwards. I tend to absorb those types of scenes as my own, as if I was just violated. So, no. Nope. No thanks. No.

I went online and read more about the movie and it doesn't sound like there are any more rape scenes so I told Hay I want to try again tonight, to continue watching the movie. Everybody talks about the twist ending (which I really think I had figured out before I even knew there was a twist ending, but whatevs) so I really wanna see it. I just don't want to watch any more violée scenes.

1 comment:

Maman said...

Thanks for the recommendation... I will be skipping that particular movie..