Friday, April 07, 2006

More green girls welcomed to the family

While shopping with Forest and the cool kid posse I came across a flower shop with fantastic deals on plants! So, um, yes, while in another state I did in fact purchase plants. I'm addicted, I told you that already! :)

Here are my new lovelies:

DSC00310 vase

The vase is for that cactus. I just haven't quite had time to plant it yet. I also have three other cactii (including one that Ripley tried to chomp on, oops) that I've yet to plant, starting a new indoor cactus garden.

DSC00312 DSC00313

I've wanted an aloe vera plant for some time. I used to have one but lost it in one of my many moves from home to home. The other plant is just silky and gorgeous. I don't know its name, but I am getting a “Vivica” vibe from her. So, she shall be referred to as Vivica. Only certain plants tell me their names. (The rest are shy?)


melissa said...

Ooh...pretties. I would kill them in a week. (NOT BLESSED WITH A GREEN THUMB, THIS ONE.)


Thérèse said...

I love the pink vase.

It's translucently delicious.