Friday, October 21, 2005

Tush smoosh

The car next to us in the grocery store parking lot:

I took a ton of pictures. I'm sure people thought I was a nutball.


bdogg_mcgee said...

heehee--that's awesome!

Reminds me of that Axe body spray commercial where people walk around with shapes of steering wheels, etc, on their backs.

tricia said...

That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen... and what does that say about me?

Poppy said...

That you're always looking for something cool? I think it's wicked cool, not something you see every day...

B, have you seen the new Axe shower gel commercial? We had the unpleasant experience of seeing the commercial twice while sitting next to my parents. Per-ver-ted.

Mair said...

What a fantastic picture! It reminds me of those Levi's ads with the paint impressions.

duff said...

man, i thought my car needed a wash, but i must bow to the master.....who is probably too busy right now to care.