Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Meme theft

I'm stealing this from Stephanie because, hey, she stole it too and I like to steal. :p

Name someone with the same birthday as you.

No one I know. It's my day. :)

Where was your first kiss?
On my bed at my grandma's house. (Mom and I lived there a few years in my early to mid teens.)

Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
Yes, a statue at a church using a pocket knife. I was 8. That was a bad year for me.

Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
Yes, I kicked my brother in the frank and beans at age 10 when he wouldn't stop tormenting me.

Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
Yes, at religious music camp and in middle school and high school chorus. But, never a solo.

What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?

What is your biggest mistake?
Not telling an adult about what happened that day.

Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
Yes, but not lately.

Say something totally random about yourself.
I do not take compliments very gracefully.

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Um. No, but my dad's family thinks I look like "Cousin Helen". She and I totally disagree.

Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?

Did you have braces?
I have them right now, as a matter of fact.

Are you comfortable with your height?
I must be, since I never think about it.

What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
Hay drove me to another state to have a romantic evening in a hotel jacuzzi and a 5 course steak dinner.

When do you know it's love?
I just do.

Do you speak any other languages?
Speak? How about know: French, Spanish, German, (Mandarin) Chinese, Italian, and American Sign Language. I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag in German or Italian, though.

Have you ever been to a tanning salon?
Only inadvertantly when it's connected to my hair dresser's establishment.

What magazines do you read?
Maxim (the address label has my name, not Hay's) and Playboy when we're at his parents' house

Have you ever ridden in a limo?
I don't think so, but I've ridden in a helicopter which is way cooler.

Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
Not yet, although it will happen soon.

Do you watch MTV?
Yah, MTV iz k00l. (I promise those are zeros.)

What's something that really annoys you?
Stupid people, rude people, and people who are late for carpooling.

What's something you really like?
Cooking. Gardening. Watching nature happen. Giving the kitties affection.

Can you dance?

What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
I dunno, but more than 24 hours elapsed.

Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
No, but I have followed the ambulance of someone who was.

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