Friday, October 28, 2005


I've had a lot of great emails today, including ones from my favorite bloggers, but I'm going to have to say that my friend Jess (not a blogger) took the email cake home, ate it, threw it back up, and ate it again. She was writing me this nice tame message about getting together and spyware and how she never goes to visit our friends in the next state over but she should, tells me she's tired because the two kids have warn her out, then she adds this little nugget at the very end:

OH, and PS. Does someone just enjoy shitting all over Roger and family? WTF? If they didn't want him telling the truth, they shouldn't have let him have any kind of blog in the first place. ARGHHHHH. I'm SO pissed for him. ARGH.

She may annoy me sometimes, but she has gems stored in that head of hers... And, just sos ya don't think I'm waaay insensitive, I'm not laughing at what she has to say, cuz Roger's family situation sucks elephant ass (remember?), but the way she says it is just pure comic genius gold.

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