Friday, February 23, 2007

Pop(py) quiz

What is the name of the drinking game that was played on last night's Cocktails episode of The Office? Anyone?

Oh, man, I just tried to find the answer on my own and read the rumor at GMMR that we won't see another new Office episode for six weeks. I've had entire relationships that lasted less than that! Not many, but some! C'mon!

Favorite moments of last night...
Jan: “That's what she said.”
Roy: “I'm going to kill Jim Halpert!”
Karen: “I'm a slut.” (okay, so that one's paraphrased)


Sara said...

SIX WEEKS? No. Are you kidding?

Poppy said...

I am not. I would never joke about something like that. I think I might need to have a cry if this is true.

Anonymous said...

ARGH! If it's true I will amuse myself in the meantime by watching The Office UK in it's entirety ;)

Mel said...

Did you find out what drinking game was played?? I haven't seen anything! It looks like SO much fun!

And it looks like the rumors are true... about 6 weeks. Though I did hear that it would come back at the end of March too. But still, that's too long... esp with the "I'm going to kill Jim Halpert" cliffhanger! MURR!