Monday, February 26, 2007


Through every fault of my own, all I've had today are two bars of Nature Valley granola bar and a teeny tiny bag of Ritz peanut butter crackers. I'm really hungry. Good thing I just ordered us a nice big Sicilian. Mmmmmmmmmm. :) If I have enough self control I'll take pictures of said dinner before consuming. Although, you can just trust me that it's going to look delicious.

Oh, also, I was so hungry that I stole an expired Coke from the office fridge. I then asked Hay if he thought it was okay to drink. He responded by offering me this link. Hilarious, vulgar, homophobic, and ridiculous all at the same time!

Update: Photos of my pizza are available at CheezyCatz.


sourpuss said...

That sh*t cracked me up. I got to the the point where Finch says, "You get one of those things in your mouth thinking it's a grape, and then it kills you." and I completely lost it... I was practically in convulsions. Excellent job Hay did, finding that.

Avitable said...

Expired soda is fine. Take advice from someone addicted to soda.

I had a Double Whopper and a BK Double Stack sandwich for lunch. Mmmmmmm.

Poppy said...

Sour - I am glad you liked it. Hay told me about a particularly nasty part a bit far down into it that I thought you in particular would be quite offended by. I won't call more attention to it than that. :)

Avi - If I hadn't just had pizza I would tell you, "you suck!" But, I have pizza in me so I'll just say, "yummmmmmmmmmmmm."

sourpuss said...

Really? *blink* How odd. I didn't find myself offended by any of it. Even though a few parts were vile, I still found it funny as poop.