Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Just call me ‘Rambling Rose’

Have you ever had a conversation with me? Do you notice how many tangents I go on? I swear I have conversation ADD. I guess I haven't done enough puzzles to stave off the Alzheimer's.


Stefanie said...

I do the same thing, but I pride myself on always finding my way back from my tangents. I had a friend in college who made it a goal to get me on a tangent I couldn't find my way back from. He never won, though given how old and feeble my brain is these days, I doubt I'd be up to the challenge anymore.

sourpuss said...

Hm. I didn't notice any conversational ADD, topic-hopping or tangentality. Is that because I have it, too?

Avitable said...

I love the tangents. Keeps me on my toes, and I do the same thing, too.