Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm pretty sure I have no hair left because I pulled it all out.

Our company network was down from lunch time through the end of the day. Do you know how hard it is for an IT person to get anything done when there is no internal or external network access? So awful. I got a headache by the end of the day because I was so frustrated.


Avitable said...

I sympathize.

Stefanie said...

Not only that you couldn't get any work done, but that you couldn't even distract yourself with the Internet! Horrors!

don't call me MA'AM said...

I hate when that happens... and you'd think they would let some of us just go home when it does. Nope.

Poppy said...

If I had driven myself to work yesterday I would have gone home early, but I had to wait for Hay to be able to leave. He had meetings so we didn't go home until 5:30, five hours after the network went out.

I didn't even have my own computer so all I had was the episode of Phyllis's Wedding from The Office to watch and Solitaire on the PC in my office.