Monday, November 07, 2005

"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives" (cue music)

I was just visiting a client to help with some minor problems on her Mac. At the end of our visit she received a phone call from a colleague who told her that his grandmother had just killed herself. From my side of the conversation it was obvious someone had died, but when she told me that the person had committed suicide my hands flew up to my face and a high-pitched gasp escaped my lips. I scurried out of there muttering condolences. Eek.

On the way back to my office I found a perfectly functional camera tripod sitting in the trash. I scavenged it. I'm pretty psyched to get this item for free since we're on a spending freeze. This will make my July 4 fireworks photos come out much better.

So, how's your day? Hope just the good and no bad, but that's probably not realistic.

1 comment:

P'nut said...

Hi! My day is going pretty good so far... nice & quiet. Plus, I'm getting some work done, and no one as p'd me off yet.

Thanks for asking!