Thursday, November 17, 2005

Holy cat crap, Batman!

Britney Gallivan is the smartest cookie on the planet. She figured out how to fold something in half 12 times. Freakin' genieuse (Hay's and my butcher of the French word génie, or genius, but I digress!).

Via The Presurfer, we are linked to Britney's solution and mathematical equation for folding.

My mind is still in the process of blowing. I don't think anything could top this today.


bdogg_mcgee said...

The minute I saw the matehematical equation I shut down. I have no memory of the past 2 minutes of my life. :)

Mair said...

I didn't look at the equation, but isn't the standard like eight times? I remember trying more once with a pair of tweezers. I think that counts as cheating.

Geordie Git said...

I'm not sure that I understand all of this...


Get your vacation here!

Of course, you can have a look at my blog the rantings of a mad man?


Geordie Git