Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Life lesson #-17

Cute girls at security conferences get hit on.* Even when they're married.


LushlyMe said...

Wait until you are married 15 years or so and your husband sometimes forgets that you were talking to him and picks up the phone and calls someone else even though you really ARE still talking to him.... I bet you will appreciate someone trying to hit on you... even if you don't intend to take them up on it...

Just a thought...On the other hand... I suspect that is just MY husband...

Poppy said...

LM, of course I thought better of it and ripped out most of this post but what you are saying still applies to what's left. I definitely appreciate the idea, but not the context/setting/situation and not the person. It's just wrong on way too many levels.

Now, me having a crush on my instructor is perfectly okay because I'm not trying to do anything about it, I'm just maintaining eye contact when he speaks (not outside of my character, I find it rude not to look at people in the eye when they're speaking to me). No double-edged sword when I'm not trying to find out about his status or try to hang around him like a puppy. Although, I'll admit to writing some semi-intriguing notes on the daily instructor review sheets. :D (Hi there, Mr. Packet Sniffer!)

Poppy said...

PS - Your husband sounds less good every time you mention him. :( So, I'll take this opportunity to state: I LOVE HAY. HE ROCKS MY SOCKS. Mushy-mooshy et cetera, et cetera.

Nessa said...

Some people are just creepy and have no sense of bounderies.

I mean, you can't blame someone for wanting to hit on you, but they should have some self control and not actually do it.

bdogg_mcgee said...

What I don't get is why men seem to think you "like like" them when YOU'RE JUST BEING NICE! I swear! I have to admit being hit on is kinda fun, but dammit, when they think you want to go to bed with them because you make eye contact with them, or mention that you like their shirt or tie, well, I just don't get it.

I miss you, Poppy!

acw said...

Bdogg- It's because men are socialized to be the "pursuers" so when women show even the slightest inkling of interest, men feel they have an appropriate person to pursue.

P'nut said...

Some men are just so consumed with satisfying Mr. Happy (of the goo-goo variety?) that they figure they simply HAVE TO take advantage of every single opportunity that presents itself.

And you can bet that sometimes it works for them and they get lucky.

Lumbergh-in-training said...

just flirting is all right, right?