Sunday, June 04, 2006


We have arrived to the windy dirty slightly smelly beautiful conference location! All the restaurants in the world and we chose Outback for dinner. Oh well. At least I got a chocolate tower cake for my belly. And a Queensland salad. And Aussie chips. And soda. Num.

So, tomorrow I have to get downstairs at the crack of bum to have breakfast with my colleague then head to the conference. It should be très ...qu'est-ce que je veux dire... intéressant, je croix. J'espère!

I am using Knoppix because all I have with me is the Windows XP SP1 laptop, and I seriously don't dare to boot to that while connected to the hotel network. Wormies, wormies everywhere and not a drop to drink. It would be very embarrasing to show up to the conference with an infected laptop. Ya know?

In AnonymousCoworker style I have full intention of stealing the Book of Mormon from my hotel room.

ACW's hotel booty, not mine

I'm interested to learn more about this religion that spawned Big Love. :) Yes, I'm stealing a bible because of a TV show. I feel so dirty. It rocks.

It's only been about nine hours and I miss Hay and the kittos desperately. I am looking forward to going home, even though I have a lot to do before I get the chance. *sigh*

I'm off to watch bad TV and brush my teeth with creme donut filling. A bientôt!


Nessa said...

If you are going to continue to speak Greek, I'm going to cry ; )

Stealing from your hotel room is a quick little thrill. It's better than a conference quickie.

bdogg_mcgee said...

Hee hee--conference quickie...

Missing you already! It seems that as soon as I get back, you leave. Sigh.


melissa said...

Tu nous manques!

acw said...

Don't forget all the little soaps too!

P'nut said...

Bring me back some ill-begotten booty!

Poppy said...

Nibs - Start crying, Sweetie. I'm a geeky nerdy dork. Knoppix rul3z!!! Yar!

B - Sigh. I miss you, too. The world is not aligning for us right now. I still need to find out how your visit with the lady went. :) :)

MIL - C'est vrai...

ACW - Yesterday I got new soap and shampoo so I had a total of two of each. Today I still had only two soaps and one of my shampoos was stolen away. Also, I keep checking the bible drawer and only the Gideon is in there. They don't have spare Mormon bibles here?!

P - I'm trying to, but the lady who cleans my room is stealing it back! Guess I need a better hiding place than on the tub. Hmm.