Friday, June 02, 2006

AI singles drop

Two things.



...and, there is a rumor around the internets ( that Tom Cruise and Kat(i)e Holmes have asked Katharine McPhemmebot to sing at their wedding. So, that automatically makes Kat uncool. Love triangle! TomKatKat! W00t!


Avitable said...

As a straight man who can say when a man's attractive, I have to say that Taylor Hicks is not. He looks like a creepy child molester or serial killer.

Poppy said...

I thought that of him at certain points during the competition, but this cover of him made him look coquettish (in the male to female way) and adorable. So, I'm sticking with my original commentary. Meow. Meow.

Word verification: meotadj

See? Meo(w)!