Saturday, November 05, 2005

My face feels like a baby's bottom!

I've been using these every day for the last week:

cream cleanser in the AM
foaming scrub in the PM

...and my face feels sooooo soft. I love the smell of the foaming scrub, and I love the feel of both (soft cream in the shower, scrubby abrasive bits at the vanity). I'm no J.Love but I really am enjoying these products. The only reason I started using them is because I suddenly became allergic to my previous product. I do that - become allergic to soaps/cleansers and have to switch for a while. Now I can't even remember what I had been using before last week. Weird...

1 comment:

P'nut said...

I used the one on the left every morning, too! I really like it and it doesn't irritate my skin. And there's just something neat about the cool menthol feeling... it's invigorating!