Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I'm totally stealing this from baby jewels hates you because she rocks the socks outta the box.

Word for word:
You tell me how the Fair went
Let's play MadLibs. Okay, I need:

1. noun
2. adverb
3. liquid
4. animal
5. noun - plural
6. holiday
7. type of person [as in someone belonging to a group of people]
8. food
9. battery operated gadget
10. emotion/feeling
11. verb ending in "ing"
12. adverb ending in "ly"
13. body part
14. noun
15. word for money
16. adjective

C'mon. Write them down. Don't peek. Bonus points for creativity and inappropriateness.

Look - I [meaning baby jewels, not Poppy] have a new avatar. It's my fav vintage french poster. Oh La La. But don't get distracted. Got your answers? Okay then...

Okay, plug them in, copy and paste in your comments.

Well, the Fall Fair went off without a [1]. Every family participated in someway, whether it was showing up [2] hungover, or creating baked goods laced with enough [3] to slow a [4]. The craft items were the standard fare of crocheted [5], [6] ornaments and handmade [7] clothes. Our raffle items ranged from the exotic [8] maker to a questionable in usage [9]. Every prize was won with [10]. Everyone was [11] down our hotdogs and pizza and guzzled our [12] made coffee. The children enjoyed games of skill, [13] painting and [14] decorating. While we didn't make as much [15] as we hoped, it was certainly more than could have been generated by selling cookie dough. All-in-all we had a [16] event.

So, back to Poppy: Do the MadLibs, tell me your results in the comments section or email me if you pref-er.


Poppy said...

Poppy's answers:

1. cat
2. coyly
3. Coke
4. panda
5. pockets
6. President's day
7. cantankerous (oh, she meant race/ethnicity: Indian)
8. baby back ribs
9. flashlight
10. cold
11. peeing
12. dastardly
13. leg
14. pickle
15. dough
16. creepy

Well, the Fall Fair went off without a [cat]. Every family participated in someway, whether it was showing up [coyly] hungover, or creating baked goods laced with enough [Coke] to slow a [panda]. The craft items were the standard fare of crocheted [pockets], [President's day] ornaments and handmade [cantankerous Indian] clothes. Our raffle items ranged from the exotic [baby back ribs] maker to a questionable in usage [flashlight]. Every prize was won with [cold]. Everyone was [peeing] down our hotdogs and pizza and guzzled our [dastardly] made coffee. The children enjoyed games of skill, [leg] painting and [pickle] decorating. While we didn't make as much [dough] as we hoped, it was certainly more than could have been generated by selling cookie dough. All-in-all we had a [creepy] event.

I'm not very good at the MadLibs...

t~ said...

oh boogers! can we do that one again? i was scrolling up from the bottom to catch all the posts i had missed since the last time i came by and spoiled it... :( *sniffling and wiping a tear away...*

Poppy said...

t~, just clear your mind then do it. Unless you have a photographic memory? In that case might I suggest which have you fill in boxes then show you the outcome.