There's something ... fishy ... about Mark Ruffalo
Does anybody else get the vibe from him that he's somehow a really bad man? I keep expecting to see a headline that he snares 12-year-old girls and cuts them up into bite-sized chunks.
Back to the movie...
He does look pretty shifty.
//jfish - Shifty is perhaps a better word.
And I'm so lazy I'm not going back to fix //j to J. It takes talent to be this lazy.
huh. i always thought he looked like a sweetie pie. his mustache does make him look more dangerous, though.
You've been tagged with an award sweetie.... ;-)
Yeah, I've thought that myself which added a really weird element to his part in "Zodiac." He was still really good in that.
There are so many stories out there of Ruffy being one of the really good guys in the movie industry! Check out for those stories and much more. MabMAB
Bearette - I read sweetie pie on the surface but dark and scary man underneath.
Tug - YEEE!!!! I will come to collect my prize in a bit.
Greg - Haven't seen the movie yet, just the preview, but I thought his placement in just the preview was odd.
Eponymous...err, Anomymous - Are you Mark Ruffalo? It's okay to fess up here! :)
Yeah, he does seem like that type. Everyone thinks he's nice, but he actually eats kittens or something.
I agree; I'm never quite sure what to think of him, either. He seemed all sweet in "13 Going on 30," but... like Joefish said... Shifty.
Rilly? I kinda think he's cute.
Are you high?
Everyone that's worked with Mark, or knows him has said what a wonderful, giving and sweet guy he really is.
Your opinion wouldn't have anything to do with his political views, would it? Are you a Bush and Iraq war lover?
Or are you really Ann Coulter, that right-wing she-male who said the 9/11 widows are enjoying their husbands' deaths too much?
Put the crack pipe down once in a while - your brain is fuzzy!
Avi and Stef - Yah...
Liss - Hmm, okay.
Pinky - BWAH! Okay, no to the crack pipe, no to Bush, no to the Iraq war, AND NO TO ANN COULTER! That one was very funny. If he really is a good man then I totally retract, but ... he just gives off a vibe. I probably give off some sort of vibe too. Oh Pinky, now I want to read your blog but you don't have one.
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