Friday, May 06, 2005

Stop the hate!

Was reading Jenna's site and happened to see a commotion over a post that Urbana MaMa made. Since when is it against the law for someone to say they don't care for an artist? If she had said the EXACT SAME COMMENTS about white girl Paris everyone would have said "you go girl" but because she criticized Fantasia for some choices she made in her life someone is jumping down MaMa's throat. I happen to love Fantasia (at least her stage presence, I don't pay attention to her life story), but I also happen to love that Urbana MaMa dares to speak her mind. Let's all try to get along for a day and a half, and see how that goes for us...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe all the catty shit going on at MaMa's site! I like the negative comment here and there but man!