Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Why is it newsworthy?

Why does someone's sexuality become newsworthy? If someone is hetero we don't see big headliners such as "THIS JUST IN, BRAD PITT IS STRAIGHT!! RUN FOR THE HILLS, GUYS!" So, why is it newsworthy when someone is gay or bi or trans or asexual?

We're born how we're born, we love (or don't love) who we love (or don't love) and that's the end of the story. I can see how it hypothetically matters if I am interested in a man and he is gay so I know there won't be reciprocation, or if I am interested in a woman and she is straight so I don't have a chance, (how about me liking someone who likes women but just doesn't like me back, unrequited love/lust?) but otherwise it's not something that changes my feelings or thoughts for a person.

I'm not going to even mention which "news" story set me off this time. It's irrelevant.

Stepping off my soap box now.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

(This is why I love TL. I say that the celebrity name is irrelevant and she asks me who it is anyway. I guess the secret remains between me and her.)