Friday, October 26, 2007

Confercation days 7-9 highlights

I'm sorry to anyone who was really looking forward to the specific babbling, but I can't do the long posts so I'll do bullets:

  • It's hard for me to not want to move to Texas after visiting B.
    B and me :)
  • I like Cheesecake Factory fried mac and cheese.
  • I like the Dallas Arboretum.
  • B and I made a vlog for Sourpuss while at the arboretum, and I hope someday B will post it or at least give it to Sour because it's HILARIOUS.
  • I like helping B shop for new skinny girl clothes (girl, you skinny).
  • I won't drink lemon drops ever again. :)
  • I will smoke cigars again, but I'll make B pick them.

  • I will try to never fly while hung over again.
  • I enjoyed being Dawg's first blogger he ever met and being the first blogger to do Cereal Wednesday with him. He even gave me a(nother!) present of one of the PostSecret books signed by Frank Warren. And a sloop (spoon straw) from Cereality, which is in my silverware drawer waiting for me to eat cereal that is Cap'n Crunch ... but bluer!
  • It's good to be home, but now my mind is contemplating life choices more than ever.

And so concludes the confercation highlights.


New York City's Watchdog said...

- Texas is nice. I liked Texas too.
- I like the Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. I know... cheesy aren't I?
- Never been to Dallas.
- VLOGs should be posted... not kept in the can
- I like shopping... online
- I like lemon drops... in moderation
- I don't like cigars... but my friends do
- I don't fly often... but I'll try it drunk once for kicks
- I enjoyed meeting Poppy as my first blogger and having her as the first guest for the Monster Trilogy... especially since she didn't chop me up into little pieces
- I never left home... and am still contemplating life choices. We should start a club.

Tug said...

I wish my kids would move to Texas so I could (how pathetic is that)...that's where the hawt young thing is! AND another hawt young thing...


I hear it's a wonderful state.

LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture!! You both look awesome!

Poppy said...

Dawg, it will be a mistake to intentionally be hung over on a plane, but knock yourself out.

Tug, ... you have TWO hawt young things?! How come I only knew about ONE?! Did you get another while I wasn't looking?!??!??!?

sourpuss said...

OMGOMGOMGOMG!! You made me a vlog? I'm SOOOOOO excited! How cool is it that you two thought of me while you were off having fun without me? You guys rock! I can't wait to see it!

Poppy said...

Sour, we actually made the vlog for you once, thought it had no sound, so completely redid it. There are two versions of the same thing. The first one's unpostable anyway cuz B said your real name. :D But I still hope she posts the remake.