Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Blogger is having a massage

(Oh, wait, that's Flickr. ;)

I know we all get ticked when we see Blogger is down, but sometimes it's actually scheduled downtime! I was at the Blogger home page and noticed this post from Eric:

Scheduled Downtime

We will have 1 hour of scheduled downtime on Tuesday, May 10th at 4pm (Pacific Time), to do some database maintenance.
– Eric [5/9/2005 05:11:00 PM]
(Don't forget to do the time conversion if you don't live in that time zone.) Nice of Blogger to warn us when they can! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I thought the EXACT same thing! I remember that day to because I was of all things ON BLOGGER! Bastards!