Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I assure you I am not complaining.

This week most of the company is on vacation, which would lead one to think that one who remains at work rather than taking “easy days” off from work would have an “easy short week”. Nope. Any quiet time is taken up by the many projects, which have deadlines of next week, that have been shoved to a deep crack where the floor meets the baseboard in the very corner of the room. I am staring at 10 pages of notes, trying to squish it all into one concise document to present to the entire company about (something technology-business-y).

ACW and B are probably the only people who have seen my previous work (well, and Hay, but: dur) and that will remain the case, but trust me when I say that I am the master at taking technical jibber jabber and making it so that anyone off the street could at least understand the fundamentals of the topic. My high school creative writing teacher told me that I have this talent in response to a story I wrote about an electrical outlet and I have since let that praise go straight to my head. I'm sure there's a word (or term) for my kind, I just don't know what it is yet. A technical empath? :)

Oh, and one more thing: I don't know what's going on with Michael Richards, but his apology on Letterman was truly ass-i-nine. When he started talking about “the Blacks and Katrina” I got physically ill, walked out of the room, and asked Hay to bump the recording ahead past his pathetic excuse for an “I'm sorry” satell-gram.


acw said...

I agree with whoever said that Michael Richards looked much more conciliatory than Mel Gibson, considering they're both guilty of racial idiocy.

Bearette said...

i didn't hear his apology, but i did hear he said "afro" americans. i don't know what got into him at the club.

Poppy said...

I don't know who said that, but as I watched Richards speak I completely understood why the audience was laughing at him. It was like he was in character and his character was apologizing for being a racist. I could not take him seriously.

When he said "Afro-Americans" I laughed out loud at him for daring to do what I interpretted as him taking another jab at the same group of people he insulted before.

Based on body language, tone of voice, and comments he made during the Letterman "apology" I believe that he just doesn't want people lashing out at him, he doesn't seem to care about anyone else.

Anonymous said...

He is one angry man. He needs rage management.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Come see my attack hand turkey, Charlie.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think Rosie is being silly?

Poppy said...

I think she overreacted, yes.