Thursday, February 03, 2005


It occurs to me that I neglected to blog my braces experience. I received my clear braces on my top teeth this past Friday. People tell me they don't notice the braces unless they're near me looking at my mouth. The braces don't hurt like everyone told me they would. My bite plate on my lower teeth caused me to have several canker sores, but I have since resculpted it with a pair of scissors and some 100 grit sandpaper. Aside from all the time I spend brushing and flossing, braces are a piece o' cake. I know, I know. In 6 weeks when I get my first adjustment I'll be whining like a stuck piggy, but for now these just aren't as bad as everyone said. I get my metal bottom braces in 4 months. I'll be glad to be rid of this bite plate, since my tongue doesn't fit properly in my mouth when I wear it and I have been instructed to wear it at least 22 hours per day.

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