Friday, January 21, 2005

gdmfpos spacers

Today I received spacers in preparation for getting adult braces next Friday. For those not aware of what a spacer is, it's a piece of rubber that forces a space between two teeth so that there is room for bands to encircle the teeth for braces. Exciting stuff. My right-side second top molar is too snug to my first molar so the technician had the hardest time in her history inserting that particular spacer. So, now my tongue keeps playing with just that one spacer because there's extra material sitting in between the teeth and my tongue keeps touching it. Expletive, it hurts. Hay warned me that braces would hurt, and I agreed to be a trooper about them so that I wouldn't whine at him the whole time. So, this is just practice for the next 18 months of my life where I put on a brave face and lie everytime someone asks me how I'm doing. Perhaps I should have more carefully considered having lasik surgery instead...

Lynn, I don't know you, but thanks for posting first day in braces stories. The more info I can get that relates to my situation, the better.

Tangent: Man, I wish I had a wallet that said "Bad Mother Fucker". Then I could be cool like Jules.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going through your blog, so when you check your e-mail you're bound to have 37,000 e-mail comments from me. Anyway. I lost a ton of weight when I had braces. By now you've had them for about, what? 6 months now? BEST DIET EVER. The Emeffing things hurt so bad when they got tightened I couldn't eat.

Sometimes you take what you can get.