Saturday, June 24, 2006

Poppy's day, step by step by step

Friends who had not yet seen the porch were up so we had a mini porch party late this morning. We sat on the porch, drank iced tea, and just blathered. What I didn't realize, which Hay told me later in the day, is that we were actually on the porch watching our neighbor across the street be locked out of the house by his lady. She had been on their porch with him, but suddenly got up and ran inside, slamming the door. He then tried to go in, locked door. He knocked softly, no answer. He then proceeded to walk super quickly in his socks to the inside garage entrance, also locked. He then went to the basement entrance and did not return. So, Hay theorizes he found an unlocked door. I theorize that I now know they hide a key near the basement. ;) I was so totally not paying attention across the street, but Hay is sneaky about his stealthy surveillance and totally hooked me up with all the juicy details. Thank you, Baby!

After we went to see Cars which was our second choice as a large group of friends after we realized that X-Men 3 was no longer offered as a matinee. The movie was cutesy. My favorite scene is the tractor tipping. I pretty much could not stop laughing, much to the chagrin of those around me. Oh, and when I got my popcorn I told the girl (she was a girl) behind the counter that I wanted a lot of butter. She delivered. Half the popcorn in the bag, lotsa butter on it, then the rest of the popcorn into the bag and a bunch more butter. LOVE. IT. I kept the popcorn leftovers. (Hey, I was eating dinner after, see below. I can't totally pig out the door.)

After the movie we had an early dinner at a local Thai restaurant whose owners we happen to know. We complimented the chef on the way out the door. Incredible spring rolls and tofu dishes (which is what I had).

Then we went to one of the couple's homes to hang out while they fed their kiddos. I got a little overwhelmed by baby-age and invited my guy pal from out of town to join me outside for a chat while everyone else stayed inside screaming their heads off. I specifically invited him outside because one of the kids kept yelling his name over and over and over again. Also, I wanted to catch up, since I've not seen him in almost a year.

After a little heart-to-heart chatter we all piled into vehicles to go get ice cream. I tell ya, I'll be glad when I don't have this freakin' back problem anymore (which is currently flared up for a couple reasons). I forgot to bring my meds with me so I was in a bunch of pain at the movie, and then I was actuallt getting sick to my tummy and grumpy after dinner. As soon as everyone started trying to make plans for breakfast tomorrow I just lost it. I also got seriously nauseous while waiting in line for ice cream because one of my friends was bouncing her daughter on her knee and the floor joists didn't seem to really exist so the floor was bouncing, and it was warm in there so the combo of warmness and elevator feel plus no Tramadol made me super ill. So, the evening ended charmingly. Good thing I get another chance to shine tomorrow, because this is totally a competition. (Not, just talking crap.) At least I was cute today with my RAWR kitty shirt and my tight but not too small jeans. :D

Okay, and this is just too adorable not to mention: Lightning and Mater bubble bath! (No, that's not my bubble bath, I found it on the Pixar blog.)

1 comment:

don't call me MA'AM said...

I hate when you hurt so bad it makes you nauseous. Blech. And no one around you seems to understand or empathize, which then makes it feel even worse.

Hope you're feeling better!