Tuesday, December 13, 2005

As promised

Despite a massive traffic jam which crippled much of our county (?!?!?) Hay and I were able to make it to the 6:30 showing of Narnia.

I wish I could have seen this film without having seen LOTR or Star Wars IV (1977), because then I wouldn't have felt like I was seeing the same thing over again.* There is one very big difference - most of the characters are animals, so when Aslan was brought to the stone to be sacrificed I knew I couldn't handle it, so I put my head on Hay's shoulder and began silently sobbing until the scene was finished. I also couldn't watch much of the major battle scene for the same reason.

The special effects are pretty amazing, the plot is great, and the ending leaves you wanting to see the next movie whenever it comes out. I'd say it's worth watching but that if you have a soft side for animals then bring tissues and a shoulder to cry on.

*To be fair, JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis were classmates and colleagues, writing their chronicles simultaneously and allowing each other to read their works, so it should not be a surprise that their tales are slightly parallel. As for Star Wars, well, just the ending of Narnia made me compare the two films - "oh, this looks like the ending to Star Wars. I better not go to the bathroom just yet."

1 comment:

Elizabeth Tarney said...

Ok, forget the SFGate.com movie reviewer....your reviews are SO much better!