Wednesday, March 23, 2005

this (not) just in: TMBG appeals to kiddies

All my friends with kids own TMBG's kid albums, but apparently CNN just got the memo:

ALBANY, New York (AP) -- Audiences at a recent They Might Be Giants concert were rocking out -- or at least jumping up and down a bit before bedtime.

Kids about kindergarten age filled the front rows during a bookstore concert by the veteran rock duo that built a following among the college radio crowd for their witty, often nerdy, songs. But on this night they were supporting a new CD and DVD made especially for kids, an homage to the alphabet titled "Here Come the ABCs."

The children packed in alongside twentysomethings as the group gave a rousing rendition of "Alphabet of Nations":

"Algeria! Bulgaria! Cambodia! Dominica! Egypt! France! ..." More

In my opinion, everyone should own the entire TMBG collection (ok, why are the CDingles not on here? Why Does The Sunshine? Back to Skull? Indestructible Object? Yo?) and all the little ones should start out with NO! and Here Come the ABCs.

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